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Future Exhibitions

Bold: The Big Chop

Bold: The Big Chop is an empowering art exhibition that celebrates the unique experiences and journey of black women who have embraced low haircuts and baldness through the powerful act of the "big chop." This exhibition challenges traditional white beauty standards of long, flowing hair and explores the courage, self-expression, and liberation found in embracing one's true self. Bold showcases a diverse range of artistic mediums including photography, videography, painting, drawing, audio, and a live performance of "the big chop" on the opening night, creating an immersive and transformative experience for visitors.

Crossing the burning sands

Welcome to "Crossing the Burning Sands," an immersive and transformative exhibition that invites you to journey through the rich tapestry of Divine Nine culture. This exhibition is a tribute to the enduring legacy of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations, also known as the Divine Nine, and a celebration of the diverse stories, experiences, and contributions of its members. At its core, "Crossing the Burning Sands" is a captivating exploration of the "why" behind a group of individuals who chose to become part of this remarkable community. Through a seamless blend of art forms and multimedia, we aim to provide a deeper understanding of Black Greek culture, its evolution from the past to the present, and its aspirations for the future.

  1. Community and Unity: The exhibition celebrates the sense of community and unity among Divine Nine members. It emphasizes the bonds that connect individuals who have chosen to be a part of this remarkable culture.

  2. Identity and Tradition: The exhibition showcases the historical artifacts, letters, and symbols that have shaped the identity and traditions of the Divine Nine organizations. It explores how these elements contribute to a sense of belonging and purpose.

  3. Personal Narratives: Through various art forms, including painting, drawing, and video interviews, the exhibition highlights the personal narratives of Divine Nine members. It delves into their motivations, experiences, and the impact of joining these organizations on their lives.

  4. Cultural Evolution: “Crossing the Burning Sands” explores the evolution of Black Greek culture from the past to the present. It shows how these organizations have adapted and grown while preserving their core values and principles.

  5. Artistic Expression: The exhibition uses visual arts, photography, live performances, and installations as a means of artistic expression. These forms of art convey the emotions, rituals, and traditions of Divine Nine culture.

  6. Leadership and Service: Through photography and video interviews, the exhibition highlights moments of leadership and service within the Divine Nine organizations. It showcases how members contribute to their communities and society at large.

  7. Sensory Engagement: Immersive installations offer a sensory experience, allowing visitors to step into the ambiance and symbolism of Divine Nine rituals. This theme emphasizes the importance of engaging multiple senses to understand the culture fully.

  8. Legacy and Aspirations: “Crossing the Burning Sands” pays tribute to the enduring legacy of the Divine Nine organizations while also looking towards the future. It explores the aspirations and goals of these organizations and their members.

  9. African American Heritage: The exhibition acknowledges the broader influence of the Divine Nine on the African American community. It serves as a platform to learn about and appreciate the cultural contributions of these organizations.


Painting and Drawing:
These visual art forms serve as a canvas for personal narratives and collective history. Artists have transformed the stories of our participants into vibrant and evocative works, conveying the emotions and motivations that fuel Divine Nine members.


Photographs capture the essence of Divine Nine life, offering a glimpse into the rituals, traditions, and everyday experiences that define these organizations. Through the lens, we uncover moments of unity, leadership, and service.


Video Interviews: 

Immerse yourself in the personal journeys and reflections of Divine Nine members through intimate video interviews. Hear their voices, experiences, and aspirations as they share their reasons for crossing the burning sands and the impact it has had on their lives.



Step into immersive installations that recreate the ambiance and symbolism of Divine Nine rituals, providing a unique opportunity to engage with the sensory aspects of this culture.



Explore a treasure trove of memorabilia that showcases the historical artifacts, letters, and symbols that have shaped the identity and traditions of the Divine Nine organizations.


Live Performance Art: 

Experience the energy and rhythm of Divine Nine stepping and strolling in captivating live performances. These dynamic displays of unity and precision pay homage to the art of stepping and the strong bonds that connect members.


The mission of “Crossing the Burning Sands: A Multidimensional Celebration of Divine Nine Culture” is to educate, celebrate, and inspire. Our primary goal is to educate the public about the historical significance and enduring contributions of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations, known as the Divine Nine, within the African American community and beyond. Through immersive and interactive experiences, we seek to foster a deeper understanding of Black Greek culture, its evolution, and its relevance today. We aim to celebrate the rich traditions, personal narratives, and achievements of Divine Nine members while inspiring individuals, especially young people, to aspire to leadership, personal development, and community involvement. Ultimately, our mission is to promote unity, cultural appreciation, and a sense of belonging, igniting a deeper appreciation for the enduring impact of these remarkable organizations on society.


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